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Juez Moricete: "La política de protección de datos no afecta la libertad de prensa"

Puntualiza que la normativa busca minimizar la exposición de datos personales innecesarios en las publicaciones oficiales

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Presidente de la Corte de Apelaciones de Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes de La Vega, Bernabel Moricete, garantizó que el Poder Judicial es garante de la libertad de prensa.

In total, insured losses from extreme weather events exceeded $3 billion in Canada for the second straight year.

In total, insured losses from extreme weather events exceeded $3 billion in Canada for the second straight year.

In total, insured losses from extreme weather events exceeded $3 billion in Canada for the second straight year.

In total, insured losses from extreme weather events exceeded $3 billion in Canada for the second straight year.

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Text and Link / Twitter banned Jones in 2018, along with his Infowars program. Last year Jones was ordered to pay nearly $1.5 billion to families of Sandy Hook victims over his bizarre and outrageous lies about the 2012 school shooting, which left 20 kids and six adults dead.

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Humberto Pinochet had to start over after his home and studio were damaged following the flooding last May in Baie-Saint-Paul, Que.

Just link.

Jones and Infowars were banned by Twitter, along with YouTube, Facebook, Spotify and Apple Podcasts, in 2018. The platforms cited violations of their hate-speech and harassment policies.

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